Monday, September 10, 2007



By following the below links, you'll find extra materials to help prepare you for the test. If you can successfully complete these exercises, Quia and the purple pages, the test will be ein Kinderspiel...
I. Wortschatz/Vokablen
A. Begrüßen und Verabschieden
B. das Klassenzimmer (Übung A)
C. Beschreibungen
D. Emotionen
E. der Körper (Übung A)
F. die Familie (Übung A)

II. Grammatik
A. Pronomen: er, sie, oder es?
B. Verben: heißen, haben, kommen
C. Plurals (Körperteile und im Klassenzimmer)
D. Possessiv: mein(e), dein(e), oder Ihr(e)?

Please don't forget about UA's FREE GERMAN TUTORING SERVICE. Hours are available by clicking the above link, or posted below on left. Tutoring hours are kept in B.B. Comer 200F except during lunch, when you'll find the tutor in the kitchen across the hall. Also, I am always available after class, by email and by appointment if you have any questions!